Skills Todo, Pakistan’s own e-Learning platform continues to rank at top 2nd at Startanydotcom for3 months in a row.
Startany is a marketplace that aims to bring entrepreneurs well versed in the new economy,who want to establish their own internet company with companies, investors, and professionals.
Currently, there are 3000+ startups registered at Startany from 150+ countries around the globeand Skills Todo proudly stays at top 2nd in that list which is a moment of pride for the Pakistanistartup industry.
Skills Todo offers online courses in Urdu under 2500 Rs. and 90 minutes from some of the bestindustry experts. Since all of the maestros/trainers at the platform are also earning from thesame skills that they are teaching, it enhances the credibility and practicality of the platform.
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Also, the platform has a robust LMS (Learning Management System) where a user can tracktheir learning, keep a check with quizzes, and earn a certificate at the completion of the course.
Most of the courses have a 70% passing criteria to earn a course completion certificate.
“Our mission is to reduce the time, investment, and effort required to learn a skill. We’re buildinga platform that helps people (i) start online earning or (ii) improve their employability. Sincelanguage has been a barrier in learning for a very long time so we have tried to keep ourcourses in the Urdu language, except for those that essentially require English for examplecourses on “English Language” etc.” says the CEO Ayesha Zaman Hammaad.
Now one might question, how can these maestros cover a complete skill under 90 minutes?Well, this is the beauty of the platform that it takes out the clutter from eLearning and has brokendown skills into granular courses so that one only spends time on what they actually want tolearn and pay for just that amount of learning.