By sharing his family’s secret recipes, Mubashir Saddique has amassed 2.82 Million subscribers to his “cooking reality show”
33-year-old Saddique is our very own Jamie Oliver salt-of-the-earth type guy who has become somewhat of a celebrity on YouTube with his Village Food Secrets channel enjoying a huge following.
While working as a production manager in a soccer ball manufacturing factory in the nearest town of Sialkot, Punjab, he probably never imagined his life would take such a bold turn.
But he sure is glad he doesn’t have to make the daily hour-and-a-half bike commute covering 50 km from Shahpur to Sialkot anymore. Saddique has quit the factory work since he is now “full-time” doing, what he calls vlogging “reality cooking shows”, giving out “centuries old” recipes of his family members.
Also Read : Pakistan Temporarily blocked Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and other social networks
Although when he started, money was never a consideration as he didn’t even know he could earn money from something he loved to do using a cellphone camera!

The sound of birds, the snapping of twigs, then their reassuring popping and crackling as he stokes them under a makeshift temporary stove, the gurgling sound of running water from a nearby tubewell or the chugging of a tractor — the sight and sounds are real as you’re transported to the village of Shahpur.